Our Story
Where head
meets heart.
Today’s attorneys are trained to lead with their heads while suppressing their inner guidance: the wise voice of the heart. We believe this is a mistake, that our clients and our profession demand more, and that normalizing attorney burnout leads to underserved clients. That’s why we are forging a new way, starting with our own firm.
With ferocity and purpose, we fight to restore clarity, hope, and wholeness to people who have been wronged by their employers.
OUR Vision
A restoration of compassion to the legal profession that inspires humanity and decency in the employment practices of those organizations to whom hard working professionals contribute their skills, mindpower, and labor.
Our Values

Working in this profession doesn't require just legal counseling, but often life counseling as we help our clients navigate professional turbulence that permeates into their home lives. Moreover, knowing that there are ultimately humans on every side of the table when it comes to a negotiation, we seek to extend compassion, diplomacy, and understanding to our opponents alike – a virtue that often leads to quicker, smoother resolutions.
Our Values

We are peacemakers – but we are also fighters. While compassion is the first card we play, we are a firm of fierce competitors who also find joy in the fight. We have a zero tolerance policy for opposing counsel who don’t reciprocate it, or who try to bend and circumvent the rules at the expense of our clients. When foul play is involved, we do what we are best known for: we file suit, and we fight aggressively to defend our clients in court.
Our Values

Today, attorneys are trained to think with their heads and to silence their hearts, but that would be a disservice to our clients, who often find us in times of panic and distress. It is important that our team invests time in engaging in practices that nurture their hearts, so that when it’s time to provide compassion to clients, we are all pouring from overflowing cups.
Our Values
relentless effort

Complacency has no place at our firm. We pride ourselves in being the most prepared attorneys in the room – always, and regardless of the size of the case. When our clients’ livelihoods are on the line, we dedicate ourselves fully, treating their matters with exactly the amount of attention and urgency we would demand if we were standing in their shoes.
Our Values

At the end of a client relationship, we aspire to be regarded as friends – a natural progression for most clients. At the end of a fierce dispute, it is our hope to be regarded by colleagues with integrity, seen as valiant, trusted practitioners of the law who they would not hesitate to call for advice if they or a loved one were ever in a state of turmoil with their employer.
Our Values

As a team, we radiate the positivity we yearn to see more of in the world. We believe our actions are contagious, and as such, we strive to bring light, positivity, and hope into every interaction with our clients and one another. Healthy attorneys achieve healthy results.
OUR Culture
A Culture of Giving
A firm commitment
to spreading good
As a purpose-driven firm and a social enterprise, 10% of our profits fund the Lionheart Conservation Initiative, our charitable fund that helps advance the work of trusted organizations that are fighting for the preservation of wildlife and our natural environment.

Planting seeds of change, together
We believe that the most meaningful relationships are formed when we get our hands dirty, together. Each year, we host an annual tree planting outing for clients, family members, and friends of the firm to gather in the spirit of friendship and service.
Headstrong and heart-centered.
Normalizing attorney burnout is a mistake and one that has the potential to cost our clients dearly. By integrating mindfulness into our practice and training our staff to lead with their hearts, we are cultivating the next generation of legal talent: one in which legal acumen and intellect are bolstered by a calm, compassionate, and mindful approach to service.

Has your life been uprooted by your employer?
Looking for a meaningful career opportunity?